Rob Gibson

The Seneca-Cayuga Nation has a long history of caring for its elders, propelled by rich cultural traditions that emphasize community. The Elder Nutrition Program, operated by the AOA (Agency on Aging), is a prime example. The program is designed to feed Tribal Members over the age of 52 at zero cost, Monday through Friday. This offer also extends to spouses of Tribal Members over the age of 52 and Native Americans over 60. And anyone who doesn’t meet the criteria can still grab a delicious meal for a small fee of five dollars. At the heart of this endeavor is Rob Gibson, the Director of AOA.
Those who qualify to receive NO COST meals:
- Tribal Members that are age 52+
- Spouses of a Tribal Member that are 52+
- Other Native Americans that are 60+
Click Here for Application (Also available at AOA)
Guests are welcome, $5 for Non-Native Americans and $5 for Seneca-Cayuga Nation Employees.
Lunch is Served Monday-Thursday 11:00AM-12:30PM
Breakfast is served on Friday 9:00AM-10:30AM