Vincent Gonzalez

Sorna Administrator
918-787-5452, Ext. 6049
TTSORS admin site URL:
Public site URL:
SORNA (Sex Offender Registration Notification Act) Program
In 2006, Congress passed the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act (the Act). Due to the nature of Federal Indian Law, the Act created jurisdictional gaps that were reflected in the national sex offender registry system. Indian. tribes were required to either opt in to the national registry system or experience additional erosion to tribal sovereignty by waiving that responsibility to the State. Title I of the Act is known as the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).
The purpose of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation’s SORNA Program is to ensure the implementation of SORNA within our jurisdiction, which includes tribal land and enterprises. The SORNA Coordinator maintains contact with law enforcement and monitors our CFR Court and local county jail, logs for sex offenders that would fall under our jurisdiction. The program requires training and maintaining equipment as well as drafting a SORNA Code and policies and procedures for the Seneca-Cayuga Nation. The SORNA Coordinator maintains contact with law enforcement, including the BIA and monitors our CFR Court and local county jail logs for sex offenders that would fall under our jurisdiction. The SORNA Coordinator also maintains contact with other jurisdictions through a portal connected to the National Sex Offender Public Website. The Seneca-Cayuga Nation SORNA program is working to assume duties from other area SORNA Programs in order to sustain the program when grant funding is unavailable.